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Finance & Legal

Work is changing. Boundaries are blurring, processes are becoming more fluid, and at the same time employees are making completely new demands in relation to self-determination and autonomy.The end of the old world of work is the start of a new one, a world that is no longer about job titles, bonuses and company cars – but the question of who to select as an employer and why. When skilled employees ask about the meaning of their work, companies need good answers. WAALD develops strategies for tomorrow’s world of work – so that talents come to stay.

Contact: Anne Pötz, Partner

Telephone +49 30 7621 3080

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Why choose your company?

The old world of work no longer exists. The future arrived long ago and is swallowing up anyone who fails to adapt their company to it. The fight for skilled workers is becoming increasingly dramatic every year: even attractive employers are sometimes failing to find a sufficient number of employees; they are often not suitable and even if they are, they may not stay very long. Many HR departments are in despair as the traditional world of work had a good answer for everything – apart from the most basic question: “Why should people work for us?”

28-hour weeks, flexible working, digital nomads, transparency and a search for meaning: employees are no longer satisfied simply with having a job but are increasingly making demands on their employers. At the same time, innovation processes are breaking up the traditional familiarity and certainty of corporate structures while power knowledge is losing its value. The New Work carousel is turning ever faster – and from its centre highly specialised workers are confidently assessing their prospects.

With New Work, we’re not talking about table football or universal home office – rather, it is about harmonising meaningfulness and orientation alongside an increasing wish for autonomy and employee self-determination.

Anne Pötz, Partner WAALD Strategy & Advisory

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The crucial 'why'

“We have to change!” It’s at this point that clients often contact us. Highly skilled candidates are confronting them with questions that will make the difference when choosing an employer: why should I work here – and stay? How can I develop here in an ideal way? What does my job mean for society as a whole? In short: what meaning does an organisation offer its employees? These are important points, as studies have shown that the feeling of meaningful work is associated with employee satisfaction, more client recommendations, successful transformation processes and better products and services.

We see organisations as part of our social system. They therefore become an essential element in each and every individual’s narra- tive rather than a ‘jobs held’ item in their CV. WAALD supports organisations’ efforts to relevantly embed themselves in the realities of employees’ lives, and in doing so helps them answering questions of purpose.